Saturday, 4 August 2012

Calling Russia

Hello beautiful people of Russia, I have been confused as to why I get so many hits on my website from your beautiful country, and was hoping somebody might be able to shed some light as I don't know anyone from Russia. I would love to get know some people from Russia and maybe I could send Russia some Art love, so please get in touch if you are Russian and want some Art Love X

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bert
    Sue from Yr 1 MA. We have started a blog called MA Residency Feedbacks. Need help really as all the girls uploads are coming up in my name. I ve done something wrong I think! Help. Can you share our blog with any of your like minded friends who could post comments about their residencies on our blog. Love Sue. Loved your MA final Fantastic.


Please leave your comments and e-mail any photos to so I can put them up. Many Thanks